"The people who give you their food give you their heart" - Cesar Chavez

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jumbo Garlic & Jerky Galore ~ Oregon Coast

On the drive back from Cannon Beach, Oregon - we were craving blackberries and kept pulling over to road side stands along the one lane highway to check out their produce. We ended up pulling into a gem of a roadside stand. It had over 60 different kinds of locally made jerkys, JUMBO garlic (pictured above) and some brightly colored and sweet berries. I truly think that when traveling, the greatest finds are the least expected and more usually than not - they end up finding you. This nameless roadside stand with no actual address off of Sunset Highway 26 was a sample of what the green and lush state of Oregon has to offer in the world of produce.
Berries for the car ride to Portland. 
Jerky anyone?
Beef-n-cheese - the trucker's favorite:

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